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Privacy Policy

THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C commits to offering you the best experiences of online shopping and delivery while keeping up your privacy and confidentiality according to the policies and terms mentioned below. This privacy policy will let you know how we respect your decision to trust us. These policies would be applicable irrespective of which device you use to access The EXPRESS CART L.L.C.


All credit/debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. will not pass any debit/credit card details to third parties. takes appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security including through various hardware and software methodologies. However, ( cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online. The is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites to which it links. If you provide any information to such third parties different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply. You should contact these entities directly if you have any questions about their use of the information that they collect. THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C collects various information from you or others at different points. You would share your personal details with us in the following cases:
  • When you create an account on THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, you will have to submit your name, email, and zip code. We get your address, contact number and order details when you place an order with us.
  • When you log into THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C through a third-party platform, we may get some information about you (based on your privacy settings). It could be via social media platforms like Facebook, where you can share your activities on THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C.
When you visit THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, we automatically get some information about the hardware and software being used.


THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C and our partners use device identifiers and cookies to collect information. Cookies will be sent by your computer or other devices when you access our services. We use both session cookies and persistent cookies along with other identifiers to collect needful information from your device or browser to help us offer you a better experience. Information like your current zip code and login history would be remembered by THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C.

When you use THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, we will get the details about how you use our services. These logs would include browser details, IP address, unique device identifiers, apps or OS, your searches on THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, the pages you visit and the links you click. All this is stored with your account information.

We DO NOT store, share or sell any of your credit/debit card details or information that is personally identifiable. None of these details is shared with third parties. However, does not guarantee the security of your information regarding its disclosure online.

While accessing our website (, you will see ads that are delivered and selected by third parties, including advertising agencies, networks, or audience segment providers. These third parties may gather information about you to understand your interests and preferences and deliver ads accordingly. We do NOT have control over how the third parties may collect and use information about you. This privacy policy does not apply to the information collected by third parties.


We may use the collected information for the following purposes.

  • To enhance the quality of services we offer you.
  • For order collection and delivery by the executive and for them to call or text you regarding your order and related problems or updates.
  • To avail different payment methods to charge you for purchases and services.
  • To customize advertisements and promotions based on your frequent purchases.
  • For testing new features and improving our services by understanding user interaction.
  • To offer customer support and respond to your queries and requests.


THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C shares required information with delivery executives you pick up and deliver your orders. Along with this, we may share information for the following purposes with your consent and direction:

  • When you enter loyalty card information regarding a specific retailer, we share that information with the retailer along with the order details so that your loyalty card account is updated.
  • When you use our referral program and invite your friends to THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, we share some information like your name and contact number with the invited friends.
  • We may hire third parties for external processing on behalf of THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C, abiding by these privacy policies and other confidentiality measures.
  • We may share information for legal purposes when disclosure is mandatory for compliance with legal processes, applicable laws, regulations, or requests from regulatory authorities, when it may be required to handle safety, fraudulent practices, or safety, security, and public rights of a person or THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C.
  • We share information with retailers and advertisers from time to time on an aggregate and non-personally identifiable basis.
  • We may share necessary details for business purposes during the sale of company assets, merger, financing or acquisition of the business.
  • We also share information among THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C current and future affiliates, parents, subsidiaries and companies that are commonly owned and controlled.

Moreover, considering the changes in the EU’s Data Protection Act, our users get the right to personal information management. You can deny sharing personal details with us anytime, considering that you may be exempted from several services by THE EXPRESS CART L.L.C.


This Privacy Policy would change from time to time, and all the updates will be published on this page. We suggest you review this page from time to time to avoid any issues.

The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore, the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

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